Orsha City Art Gallery of V. A. Gromyko

In 2008 Orsha became the center of the Republican Festival of rural toilers fair "Dozhinki — 2008". The main and brightest moment of the program of celebrations and the entire festival was the creation and opening of the Orsha municipal gallery of V. A. Gromyko, painter, people's artist of Belarus, honored worker of culture of Poland, an honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, professor of painting, an active participant of guerrilla movement, Knight of the Order of World War I, Red Star, medals "For bravery", "Partisan of World War I" and others.

The main purpose of the exposition of the gallery is showing rich artistic heritage of Orsha Region, comprehension of traditions and regularities of development of artistic culture of the region and Belarus, skills and talent of Belarusian artists, which will contribute to spiritual enrichment of citizens, their involvement in the national and universal values.

The V. Gromyko Hall of Orsha Municipal Art Gallery has a permanent exposition devoted to the history and activities of the Jesuit order in Orsha, a permanent exposition devoted to the artistic culture of Orsha Region, as well as regularly organized temporary art exhibitions. Cultural and educational museum events are regularly held in the Drawing Room of the Art Gallery.

The modern building of the former Jesuit collegium has become not just a visiting card, but also the main cultural center of Orsha's social life. Cultural and entertaining projects, temporary exhibitions and the permanent exposition of the art gallery, educational activities of the children's library, creative activities of the city crafts house allow to organize the leisure time of the population and guests of the city and also contribute to enrichment of the citizens and their involvement in the national and universal values. An indicator of the attractiveness of the administrative and exhibition center for the citizens is a constant flow of visitors, as well as the fact that the newlyweds of the city on the day of birth of a new family are happy to visit the center, eager to capture one of the main days in life in the interiors of the old building.